Tuesday 18 August 2009

favourite things *7

one of my favourite things is seeing the nights draw in after summer.....the air smells like autumn and i begin to look forward to lighting my fire for the first time and long walks in cosy jumpers....we haven't exactly had much summer weather..so i am ready to move on and fully embrace the next season......

Sunday 9 August 2009

freedom writers....

watched this movie last night...based on a true story....it was so powerful....if you have not seen it i highly recommend it...i must admit to shedding a few tears.....a fresh reminder how one person can make a difference...and things can change ....even if they have been the same way for a long time.....

Sunday 2 August 2009

what would they see?

This last 6 months or so have been a very different season in my life and walk with God.........Stuart and i came out of full time ministry as we felt God calling us to live differently and engage more in our community instead of being bogged down with program that mostly kept us behind church walls......it has been eye opening in more ways than i had imagined........for those of us who have spent many years in christian employment..it is so easy to over time allow your work to be your relationship with God.....reading the bible is done with looking for a good sermon in the back of your mind..and our time spent in worship is at times distracted as we are leading the service etc...........we can easily confuse Gods approval of our life by the work we do for him...and somewhere along the road we lose the ability to simply... be.....to walk with Him to Know him... our relationship with God should be central to our service rather than our service being central to our relationship........if it were all stripped away and all that was left was you and God.....would your anchor hold?.........where is your identity found..................in Him...........or in what you do for Him........i feel he would rather have time with just us instead of endless program and meetings......we need some of that to of course...but it should never be more important than our personal relationship..........if we didn't have all the stuff we do in church or ministry to show people we love Jesus....what would they see of Him in your life...? Are you being the Church or just going through the motions?...

pink world of ally.....