Monday 30 November 2009


wear your red ribbon today to help raise awareness.................AIDS is a global emergency that affects every country and every city in the world. Right now there are 33 million people living with HIV – 80,000 of those people are in the UK....every wk in NI approx 2 people are diagnosed with HIV...........

Tuesday 24 November 2009

quote of the morning....

'people don't care how much you know, unless they know how much you care'....

look out for opportunities to make someone's day richer today.....

Monday 9 November 2009

celebrating failures.......

love this post that my hubby wrote...very thoughtful........

new read.....

just arrived...looking forward to getting stuck in tonight.......

i love this city...

i love this city.....i love being in just brings something alive in feels like home.....i love seeing how it has changed and grown and been transformed from all that it has lived through....greater things have yet to come from this special little place called Belfast........

pink world of ally.....