Saturday 27 September 2008

aeroplanes are tricky to spot when you are 3........

i had my nephew stay over last night - and we had a lot of fun he is three and already has such a sense of humour and makes me laugh a lot......

we live a few miles from a little air strip that cute pleasure planes that almost look like toys take of from and fly over the peninsula...they make a lovely tootling sound (i made that up) but it sounds pretty....... they fly quite low ..... in this picture i was laughing so hard - cause every time i pointed one out to him he kept looking in the wrong spot and missing it....i know its only a little aeroplane its tricky to see with the naked eye...eventually he saw one all by himself……. maybe my pointing is squinty.....

'to infinity and beyond'...was his battle he took the huge leap of two steps......

Friday 26 September 2008

100 years of anne.....

100 year celebration of Anne of green gables - one of my most favourite books growing up - i still love it today and would definitely have it way up in my top ten.

someone was in my work today and told me that 'Charlie and Lola' creator Lauren Child has designed a new front cover in celebration, here it is...

If you have never read it - i highly recommend it, or if you aren't much of a reader get the DVD's - maybe i will have my own 'Anne of green gables' celebration and dust of my copy......

Wednesday 24 September 2008

red ribbon......

just realised today that it is 'world aids day' on 1st december check out the web on the bottom of the ribbon for more info, the theme of 2008 is 'leadership'
we all need to do more in the battle to combat aids and hiv....i will be wearing my red ribbon on 1st december.........

Sunday 21 September 2008

i love it......

on my way to bed last night i lifted one of Stuarts birthday gifts to leave beside the bed for him..
out of curiosity i thought i would take a sneaky look at the first page (already i was excited as this guy didn't waste my reading time by having a 20 page intro, which really annoys me,straight into chapter one,yeah!)i was totally hooked, Stuart came up half an hour later, and gasped, as he found me engrossed several chapters into his new read.......... It was amazing i felt like this was written for us and thought could God shout any louder, highlighting what He is calling us to do...... so sorry Stuart i feel the need to finish this read before i can give it if you are looking for a challenging, stirring read then i encourage you to pick up 'wild goose chase'...........

Wednesday 17 September 2008

the new home help.......

'the pink world of ally' is complete, my new friend Hetty arrived to give me a bit of a hand around the house... who knew that hoovering could be such fun.... there she is always smiling following me around the house, gobbling up all the dust and dirt....she is the perfect home help with a constantly good she is really pretty..

ps i feel the need to point out that i didn't dress to match Hetty, it happened by accident......really.....

Tuesday 16 September 2008

the big picture.........

i am so thankful that God sees the big picture, sometimes we have all of these dreams in outline form and not sure exactly what all the details are, recently God has been beginning to fill the blanks in and we are getting a sense of where He is leading us and what alot of the preparation has been for.... so far.... i love following Jesus it is certainly never dull, always a challenge, and full of adventure....
i love looking back and seeing all the divine appointments fitting together and how my path has crossed with the right people at the right time...... be encouraged...even if it all doesn't make sense right now, have hope that He sees the big picture and doesn't make mistakes........and His timing is perfect....

Sunday 14 September 2008

happy birthday hubby.......................

well the infamous day has arrived, its Stuarts birthday, and for anyone that has been following my blog - he was so happy with his gifts. hooray.....

as its sunday he has to work today, but we had birthday celebrations on friday night and yesterday, with even a tea party with our little nieces who had the candles blown out on his behalf before we had finished one full chorus of happy birthday.....

well happy birthday stuart, may the year ahead be filled with blessings and may you get that step closer to living all your dreams xoox.........

Tuesday 9 September 2008

think before i speak.......

Over the last while God has been challenging me about ‘good intentions’ – sometimes I find myself saying something out of compassion or to fill an awkward moment of silence, that I can not uphold or do not uphold – or put myself under such pressure and guilt to uphold, ……… I don’t only mean big things but the little things as well, like visiting someone, or doing something etc ……anyway, I am really trying to work on making promises I can keep and keeping my mouth shut when I am tempted to say what I think I should instead of what I know I can do…….
As good ole Madge (Madonna) says in her song 4 minutes ‘the road to hell is filled with good intentions’……… and I guess you could change that to say ‘the road to heaven………….’

Monday 8 September 2008

dripping fat..................

Well we finally had a sunny day and guess what - I had to work - Monday is normally my day off but I took a day off for a conference a few months ago (which I didn't even enjoy and left early) and had to pay it back........
To make the most of what was left of ‘blue skies’, after work we packed Jude (the dog) into the car and drove to my mums, and had a BBQ for dinner - it’s been only a few months since we enjoyed such pleasures due to the inclement weather. All was well we were enjoying some lovely food and lively conversation around the table when we heard Jude rolling with much joy on my mums living room carpet in the adjacent room, mum who is protective over her cream carpet wondered why Jude seemed to be having so much fun alone, so we called her in and on first glance we all asked the same question, 'why is her head so wet!' good question its not raining, the rest of her body is dry, I put my hand down to stroke her and was instantly disgusted cause it was all slippery and soaked with grease……….
As mum and I aren't into the technicalities of BBQing we had overlooked putting the little fat catcher under the grill, and the whole evening Jude had been experiencing her own doggie 'Indian head massage' with out the massage part....... yuck...... licking up all the dripping fat…………

She smells like the 'greasy spoon' and that’s still after I shampooed her head........

Friday 5 September 2008

fire starter.........................

Tomorrow morning is a momentous occasion - the chimney sweep is coming to give the chimney its yearly sweep before I can light my first fire. I can't wait; it has to be one of my most favourite things. Its almost like having an old friend back, I love when its all cold and rainy outside (which is just as well) and I am inside snuggled up beside my fire, crackling and dancing away. In Ireland we burn ‘turf’, which is a peat dug from the bogs and it has the loveliest smell that instantly brings me back to my childhood....... when we used to come home to Ireland for visits during the winter months, when we lived in England, it was the first thing I could always smell as I stepped of the plane. It was like the welcome mat had been rolled out!

I think getting to light my open fire again is one of the many reasons why I love autumn so much!

What is one of your favourite things about autumn?

a traditional turf fire - what could be more friendly than that(apart from kittens and puppies etc etc)

Wednesday 3 September 2008

foot a tapping.......

this is a local artist 'Brian Houston' who just so happened to be the live act at the evening doo for our wedding!

Here is his new song, check it out - i bet it will have your foot a tapping.......

Tuesday 2 September 2008

its a dogs life.......

My mum bought me this little gift a couple of days ago

(i know sorry bad pic - it says this house belongs to one spoilt cairn terrier)

it made me snigger as we had Jude getting her vaccinations at the vet last week - it was a new vet as we only moved here a while ago - when the vet finished giving her the injection, she patted Jude and said 'there you go all ready for kennels or any other event' well when i told my mum and sister about this comment, they both burst out laughing at the thought of my face when the vet even thought my dog would ever set foot in kennels, and they would be right, my face didn't have time to hide my real feeling that moment and i think the vet realises that this is more what my Jude's lifestyle is like

jude thinks its a hardship when she visits my mums house and has to make do with the carpet instead of hte joys of lying uncouncious on a cushion on the furniture....... what can i say she has ute eyebrows..... just aswell she is good natured....

Monday 1 September 2008


out for an evening walk tonight with stuart and the dog - when a couple little girls around 10 years old appeared out of a side street in front of us - one of the girls got a little behind her friend - she burst into a skip to catch up - it made me laugh and i said to stuart 'when did i actually stop skipping to get around'.

i wonder what age i just thought 'no thats no longer a cool method of travel'.


i love living on an island.....

i woke up this morning craving a walk on the beach - so we packed our little doggie into the car and drove to my favourite beach near our house - its my favourite, not only cause its beautiful, but cause its pretty much always deserted and Jude can run free and chase her ball....
i love it! there is nothing like wading through the sea in your wellies with the sun on your back, breathing in that fresh salty air, we could hear nothing but the waves slapping heavily on the shore (and actually over Stuarts feet - while he was trying to take an arty picture).That's what i missed so much about Ireland when we lived in England for 4 years, cause in no time at all you can be at the sea or at least see it in the not to far distance.

One more thing today is the 1st of September and officially autumn - my most favourite season of the year, i get all excited and am convinced the air smells different - i keep asking stuart can you smell it can you smell autumn - i cant wait for the bright blue skies and frosty ground in the mornings - with the leaves all brightly coloured and crunchy under foot.......God really did think of everything........

pink world of ally.....