Monday 20 October 2008

"If you can't see, hear or feel something, it doesn't exist!" quote from horton hears a who.......

Hebrews 11v1
Faith in What We Don't See
The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It's our handle on what we can't see. The act of faith is what distinguished our ancestors, set them above the crowd.

just watched this movie...and loved in a simple way it explores the concept of faith in a larger—unseen—being.......last night we were taking about 'faith' with one of our youth groups and i wish we had seen this i would have been using a few little clips from it........if you wonder about you can believe in something bigger than youself that you can't see with your physical eye...then watch this it may start you thinking......

2 Corinthians 5:7
We live by faith, not by sight.

Sunday 19 October 2008

service please.........................

To lead is to serve..(when i typed that into google it seems to be the title of lots of christian books emmmm...) ….we cannot be leaders if we are not willing to get our hands dirty and serve….to be in ministry actually means to be in service……..sometimes I think in ‘Christian’ world we have glamorised being in ministry and distracted from what it really is…….which is servant hood………. in the Kingdom we don’t just float to the top without learning to be a servant first to develop in character….just look at some of the great examples…Moses…Joseph….Ruth….Esther to name a few…..we have been in youth work and leadership positions for years and in recent years I am sometimes left with my jaw hanging open……..when for example people are happy to chat away to me while I am struggling under my own body weight in chairs and not even feel moved to offer to help….what is going on in our society that we are becoming so self absorbed and have forgotten the blessing of serving and giving of our time and energy ….without having to be asked………see a need…you are able…….fill it……..we can’t escape the ultimate example……. who came as a Servant King to serve…not be served…….I never want to feel that something is beneath me…….and be so inward focused that I fail to see a simple need even if its staring me right in the face……………………there is nothing more refreshing in this day and age than real humility………and when you see it ….it is beautiful…and not quickly forgotten…….

Tuesday 14 October 2008

race against horses............

Heard this verse tonight and It has sent my wee cogs a turning… not because I have a love for horses, but because I want to live my life to the full and not be comfortable with the normal………..

‘So, Jeremiah, if you're worn out in this footrace with men,
what makes you think you can race against horses?’
Jer 12v5

I want to follow God in a way that I can race with horses and not grow weary, never mind mere men…………………to follow God in the way he beckons…. leads us to a place where it is only in Him things are possible…no longer can we stand and on our own…..

I have grown up on horseback and raced horses and felt the power of being at a flat out gallop with the horses hooves thundering on the ground and all around becoming a blur….and the wind whistling in my ears…….nothing is more exhilarating……….this is how its meant to feel to follow Him……….is your walk with God exhilarating….taking you at a pace that you couldn't physically do on foot….or are you just going along at a comfortable jog….hardly even out of breath……………………..

Monday 13 October 2008

punk monk..............

started reading this again yesterday, i say again as i started it months ago and like a moth to a flame got distracted and began reading something else bright and shiny that got my attention........ even though its early days i am really enjoying it as its fitting right into alot of other things God has been saying challenges my comfort.......that can only be good........and has sent me back in the the 'sermon on the mount' for a closer inspection......

Saturday 11 October 2008


There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why... I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?”

Robert Francis Kennedy

dream big..and then walk towards them and make them a reality.........

Tuesday 7 October 2008

life is just one thing..............................

life is ever changing - i dont know about you but it seems for me - it come always as a package deal from God - its like getting an all inclusive holiday....were everything is included in the offer...lets go the whole hog and give it all a shake made me laugh as i remembered to what our old boss at ellel used to say 'change is here to stay' something which seems to have followed me to the emerald pastor told us once his dad used to say 'life is just one thing after another'....... so true......

so what about anyone else....does change come in ones or twos....or do you get it all shaken up at once too?

Saturday 4 October 2008

God speaks when i least expect it........

I had to go to work really early on the train a couple days ago as Stuart was speaking at school assembly and needed the car………I was tired and not really with it and ...when I get of the train I have to go through a little underground tunnel to get to the other side of the road……..i normally don’t like these kinds of places as they are a bit dark and creepy….but this one is a little different as a bunch of local kids have painted pictures and stories all over it making it a lot more cheery….nevertheless…I still walk quickly through it trying not to break into a jog…which would give away my lack of comfort with such surroundings….only this particular morning for some reason I stopped in front of one little bit and read it and low and behold…here is what it said………….

as i read it all alone in that tunnel - i really felt the presence of God fill that place....and it spoke to me that there is no where His presence doesn't dwell He has gone before me in every situation............

it was a little God moment when i least expected it - i have rushed through that tunnel so many times and never seen this part..........i wonder what else i have missed as i rush through the day...........

pink world of ally.....