Saturday, 10 April 2010

time to prioritise life......

over the last few weeks i had to prioritise my life afresh...after allowing many things to slowly gather up and begin to fester in my life...until God in his faithfulness....caused me to stand still and have a fresh look at recognise the reasons why i had allowed stress to creep in and begin to ebb away my peace.... the most important thing was taking time to climb the mountain and get alone with Jesus... allowing Him to speak into my life...reminding me that i am carrying things i was not designed to carry..choose to ....leave them with Him...thus enabling me to journey down the mountain back into life, without the weight of burdens he said he would carry for me.....the second thing that required an important place again in my life was exercise.........for many years i was super was a natural by product of my then career working with i took all its benefits for granted and it wasn't something i ever had to shedule in.........
for about two years God has been placing on my heart the desire to run .....i have spent moments enjoying the image in my imagination of me running with the greatest of ease feeling the wind in my hair

'me in my imagination' :-)

...but that's as far as it ever went i pushed it into the background and got busy with life again....until lately .....i have realised in a very real way the need to exercise on a regular base...i am made body, soul and spirit and i cannot ignore looking after all of these areas that make up the vision is going to be brought into a reality, and it has begun this week.........i have dusted of my bike ...booked in regular squash matches...and yes i am gearing up to begin starting to run.................if only i would be obedient quickly and stop putting things off life would be simpler......definitely a work in progress....

what have you been challenged to make a priority in your life?...

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pink world of ally.....