Monday 24 November 2008

i just don't......

we live in an interesting world.........and again we are rapidly moving into the 'silly season' for those of you that know me well you will know i don't celebrate Christmas.....for many reasons.......this is not a new decision but one i have gladly stood by for more than ten years...i can hear some of you gasp....thinking to yourself..i thought she was a committed could she possibly not celebrate Christmas of all things.........easy.....i just don't...........the 25th December comes and goes in my house like any other...and it is liberating.........more so than ever before.....when people ask me have i started my Christmas shopping yet....and i say no..we don't buy xmas gifts in my family...but bless each other throughout the year with treats .....instead of going in to debt and stress to buy things not wanted or needed just because it happens to be the 25th December.......instead of the strange looks and disdain i have often been met by..... i am now met with longing eyes and the remark..i wish i could do can..........we do so many things because of tradition..some good..some not so good....or because it has always been done.......or everyone else seems to be doing it.......without really asking .....why am i doing this...and what is it all rooted in?....well i asked that question years ago.. God clearly answered.... here i stand........standing out.........


mandy said...

This is awesome Ally. I doubt my husband and I are going to do much this Christmas, for each other... But that has more to do with economy and the level of "comfort" we've chosen to live with...

Ally Brown said...

good for is so easy to get caught up with all that goes on....and always good to take a step back and x

Ashley and Hannah said...

I watched a short educational program for children today on Christmas. One statement stood out to me from the narrator, who said (after showing us a clip of the wise men giving Jesus gifts), 'that's what Christmas is all about: Being kind to each other and showing them that you care'. I pondered... Have we limited our being kind to one another and showing we care to two days a year... Christmas and birthdays. What about the rest of the year...?

I enjoy your blog Ally, your thoughts often challenge, refresh or simply remind me of the beautiful green country.

Love, hugs and kisses to you Alison. You are precious. xxx


ps.. my favourite days always used to be when it was cold enough to rug up, but sunny enough to still wear sunglasses; I have since found an additional favourite (which being in Oz has allowed me to really appreciate) where the sky is overcast, it's warm enough to wear a t-shirt and light trousers yet the breeze makes it cool enough to still enjoy a cuppa!

And whilst I'm writing to you. I heard a song today which reminded me of you as you used to have the t'shirt:

"I am a Superwoman
Yes I am; Yes she is
Cos even when I'm a mess
I still put on a vest
With an 'S' on my chest
Oh yes, I'm a Superwoman"
(Alicia Keys)

Love you Al.

Ally Brown said...

thanks sweet of you to comment..the song at the end made me joining you lots ..kisses and hugs to all x

pink world of ally.....