Sunday 19 October 2008

service please.........................

To lead is to serve..(when i typed that into google it seems to be the title of lots of christian books emmmm...) ….we cannot be leaders if we are not willing to get our hands dirty and serve….to be in ministry actually means to be in service……..sometimes I think in ‘Christian’ world we have glamorised being in ministry and distracted from what it really is…….which is servant hood………. in the Kingdom we don’t just float to the top without learning to be a servant first to develop in character….just look at some of the great examples…Moses…Joseph….Ruth….Esther to name a few…..we have been in youth work and leadership positions for years and in recent years I am sometimes left with my jaw hanging open……..when for example people are happy to chat away to me while I am struggling under my own body weight in chairs and not even feel moved to offer to help….what is going on in our society that we are becoming so self absorbed and have forgotten the blessing of serving and giving of our time and energy ….without having to be asked………see a need…you are able…….fill it……..we can’t escape the ultimate example……. who came as a Servant King to serve…not be served…….I never want to feel that something is beneath me…….and be so inward focused that I fail to see a simple need even if its staring me right in the face……………………there is nothing more refreshing in this day and age than real humility………and when you see it ….it is beautiful…and not quickly forgotten…….

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