Tuesday 14 October 2008

race against horses............

Heard this verse tonight and It has sent my wee cogs a turning… not because I have a love for horses, but because I want to live my life to the full and not be comfortable with the normal………..

‘So, Jeremiah, if you're worn out in this footrace with men,
what makes you think you can race against horses?’
Jer 12v5

I want to follow God in a way that I can race with horses and not grow weary, never mind mere men…………………to follow God in the way he beckons…. leads us to a place where it is only in Him things are possible…no longer can we stand and on our own…..

I have grown up on horseback and raced horses and felt the power of being at a flat out gallop with the horses hooves thundering on the ground and all around becoming a blur….and the wind whistling in my ears…….nothing is more exhilarating……….this is how its meant to feel to follow Him……….is your walk with God exhilarating….taking you at a pace that you couldn't physically do on foot….or are you just going along at a comfortable jog….hardly even out of breath……………………..

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