Tuesday 10 March 2009

we choose peace................

our wee country has been shaken this last couple of days with the shooting of two soldiers and one policeman and others seriously injured.....a flashback into the past of what used to be sadly common place...years later ..standing out starkly on front pages of newspapers....today i had a lady come into my workplace...who was shaken and in tears...as the motorway was closed due to further scares..and she could not get home.......she said through tears....i dont have the strength to go through this again...meaning the mindless hateful shedding of innocent blood on this land..........i said to her.....we as a people cannot be silent.....we need to join our voices and proclaim aloud...that we refuse to go backwards ...we refuse to walk the old path of violence...we choose peace and we refuse to settle for anything less..................she dried her eyes and said....yes you are right.........
as the church we need to be heard and seen in these days more than ever.....leading the way of peace......we do not have the time to be complacent.....expecting someone else to fix it.........


Anonymous said...

i think mi5 did shootings,using the classic divide and conquer technique,they have been looking to bring in a new reconnaisance unit.problem,reaction,solution.

Ally Brown said...

hello anonymous.......i dont agree and i think that is a pretty cynical point of view on a very sad situation....when really there is no evidence to support such a claim........

pink world of ally.....