Sunday 15 March 2009

pinatas and helium balloons..................

today was my little nieces 2nd birthday party....i think it has been quite some time since i consumed so much sugar....and i must admit on occasion being a little more hyper than the kids......maybe it was the intake of helium from stray balloons that did it ..i'm not sure....... when the kids struggled to break open the pinatas to release the goodies...the grown ups were very quick to step up and give it their best one point launching it free into the sky missing my mums head by a whisker......i on the other hand used my two year old niece as my cover story saying she needed help to hit it as she was to little to reach.......i think that on the inside we are all little kids waiting for a moment to drop our grown up guard and take our best shot at the jelly....and make our voices like mickey mouse with the thanks of left over balloons............happy birthday lovely becca.......sleep well....x

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pink world of ally.....