Monday 6 April 2009

face to face..............

what did we do for communication before, blogging, facebook, twitter..texting........the list goes on and makes me laugh...these days i don't seem to be able to resist a new form of communication....i hope i don't lose the ability to actually just sit across from someone .....making eye contact..... and sharing hearts......what do you think? ...i wonder do these new ways allow us to keep making our lives busier and busier cause we can do a quick tweet or update our blog in an attempt to build relationships and connect with much as i enjoy all these new forms of expression that are ever shrinking the world ...i can't help shake the thought..'what is it going to look like for humanity in 50 years time'........will we become a people shut of from reality ......reaching out for contact through the good old www..... all the while desperately craving human contact instead of a blank screen....but unable to remember how ......i think we need to make sure we work hard to remain face to face as we get drawn deeper into this ever growing virtual world......


Lori said...

I love the new communication stuff. I've "met" all kinds of people I wouldn't have otherwise. But nothing beats actually sitting down face to face over chai lattes.

So, does this mean you are on twitter? And if so, do I not know that?

Ally Brown said...

lol...i am on twitter cant resist..i love it all too....maybe cause i talk so much...and i can do it this way without annoying have never enjoyed a chai latte!!!...

Lori said...

You've never had a chai latte?! Oh my word ... is that wonderful bit a heaven missing in Ireland? Glad I can now read all of your thoughts in 140 characters or less!

Ally Brown said...

i am now intentionally looking for a chai latte..and i will let you know when i find it :-) its that good...i really hope it does exist in ireland i found you on twitter too.....

pink world of ally.....