Sunday 6 July 2008


Have just been thinking the last few days about as a society are we beginning to lose the art of forming healthy real authentic relationships... it seems as much of a blessing as facebook, bebo, blogging, texting etc etc are they will never begin to be a substitute for the real thing.
If we look at the life of Jesus he spent his time face to face with all kinds of people, and as a youth worker living in a country were the suicide rate of young people is soaring... I have to ask what are some of the roots to that problem and one of them I think is loneliness……….

What will it be like in 50 years time if we continue to go about communicating the way we are, will we all be hiding behind a two dimensional world, choosing which picture we let people see of our lives instead of what really is going on in our hearts. Will we know what or even how to have real, deep rewarding relationships with each other (warts and all), more importantly will we know how to have a relationship with Father God or will we think he is the kind of God who sends us an email or the occasional text and changes his profile picture depending on his mood or the weather………….

Not finished on this subject…………………….

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