Monday 1 September 2008

i love living on an island.....

i woke up this morning craving a walk on the beach - so we packed our little doggie into the car and drove to my favourite beach near our house - its my favourite, not only cause its beautiful, but cause its pretty much always deserted and Jude can run free and chase her ball....
i love it! there is nothing like wading through the sea in your wellies with the sun on your back, breathing in that fresh salty air, we could hear nothing but the waves slapping heavily on the shore (and actually over Stuarts feet - while he was trying to take an arty picture).That's what i missed so much about Ireland when we lived in England for 4 years, cause in no time at all you can be at the sea or at least see it in the not to far distance.

One more thing today is the 1st of September and officially autumn - my most favourite season of the year, i get all excited and am convinced the air smells different - i keep asking stuart can you smell it can you smell autumn - i cant wait for the bright blue skies and frosty ground in the mornings - with the leaves all brightly coloured and crunchy under foot.......God really did think of everything........

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pink world of ally.....